Kodály Music Institute at Government Center
1 Washington Mall #1167, Boston, MA. 02108-2603
For information about the Kodály Music Institute certificate programs, levels courses, or workshops:
Katie Bach or John Martha-Reynolds, Directors
For Transcripts:
If you attended KMI between 1999 and 2011, your transcripts are located at the New England Conservatory Registrar’s Office.
If you attended KMI from Summer, 2012 to date, your transcripts are located at the Anna Maria College Registrar’s Office.
For information about the Master’s in Education or the Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Education with Kodály Music Emphasis:
Shelie Wells, Interim Director of Education Programs, Anna Maria College swells@annamaria.edu
For Website Issues contact: Katie Bach, kodalymusicinstitute@gmail.com